Statement by Julia Pozsgai:
"Nature, geysers, the night sky, birds and happy moments of being alive inspire me.
Over the years I have focused on painting birds. I love their shapes and colors. I like showing relationships in the pictures, or birds mirroring each other. I like showing patterns and families! I draw with colors and new shapes from my imagination. I paint them on the purses I sew. I use leaf patterns for backgrounds or for earrings. I love going and finding the leaves right outside my studio.
It makes me feel calm to paint and sew and do jewelry. I like doing detailed work with intricate designs. I choose to make art because it's peaceful, loving, and magical.
YES! (arms raised to the sky with enthusiasm)!"
"Woodpeckers Looking in the Mirror" Acrylic on Canvas
by Julia Pozsgai 30" x 20"
Artist Bio:
Julia has autism which causes her more challenges than most of us in communicating through words. She is prolific, however, at expressing herself in shapes and colors!
Her creations pour out of her in a free, daring, and authentic manner. She creates because it connects her to the world, releases her internal imaginings, and brings her joy. She creates because art is a core part of who she is.
Creative since her teenage years, Julia Pozsgai’s current mediums include: painting, fiber arts, jewelry and small sculptures. She has made furniture, large window displays with paper mache and has sculpted in clay. Five years ago she started her own company, Pansy Creations, and since has participated in numerous art shows and festivals in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Local events have included: the Sonoma Vintage Festival, Optics & Nature Festival, Vintage House Annual Quilt Show. Her Geyser Gown entry in the April Sonoma Community Center’s Trashion Fashion yielded her a 3rd place ranking out of 42 entries.
Her art was exhibited at the Gensler Architectural Firm in San Francisco as a juried-in artist for the national organization She was one of the top twelve finalist in Sonoma County recognized by Creative Sonoma in December of 2016.
Her one-woman art shows include: “Imagine a World” at Bump Cellars in August of 2016 in Sonoma, “Nature’s Shining Light Branching Out” at Alchemia Gallery in June of 2017 in Petaluma and Geyser Art Show at Old Faithful Geyser of California museum in Calistoga September and October 2018. She was the Arts Guild of Sonoma’s featured artist in February 2018. She participated in the pop-up art show at the Sonoma International Film Festival (SIFF) in March of 2018 and is doing so again in 2019. Her painted wooden box was one of the filmmaker’s awards for SIFF. She was the featured artist at MadeLocal Marketplace in Santa Rosa from May 15 - August 13, 2018. Her copper jewelry, along with her copper wishing bowls and boxes, are exhibited at the Museums of Sonoma County – History Museum Gift Shop starting in December 2018.
Her art is exhibited regularly at the Arts Guild of Sonoma, MadeLocal in Santa Rosa, McCormick Mercantile in Glen Ellen, and the Museums of Sonoma County/History Museum Gift Shop. She participates in the Call-to-Artists shows at Art Escape in Sonoma and art venues throughout Sonoma County. She was one of the featured artists of the Sonoma Art Walk with her art on exhibit at Sotheby’s on the Plaza in October 2018 in Sonoma. As a special exhibition, Julia was invited to display her quadriptych “Copper Tree” painting and her life-size paper mache sculpture with Owl-Branch-Moon in the sacristry at the First Congregational Church of Sonoma, January 13 through February 10, 2019. A print of her painting called “Owlet Leaf” is now featured at the national level for the Wayfair company.
Julia’s newer art expressions include multi-metal jewelry and functional fiber arts. She is available to do commissions.
Her studio is located in the town of Sonoma, CA.